Monday, January 8, 2018

LED vs CFL vs Incandescent

Both CFLs and LEDs use considerably less electricity than traditional bulbs. As you can see, buying longer-lasting, more efficient light bulbs can really pay off over time. Over a 23-year period, it will cost you over $200 (and many trips to the hardware store) to keep one 60-watt lamp lit with incandescent bulbs.

Energy Efficiency & Energy Costs Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Incandescent Light Bulbs Compact Fluorescents (CFLs)
Life Span (average) 50,000 hours 1,200 hours 8,000 hours
Watts of electricity used
(equivalent to 60 watt bulb).
LEDs use less power (watts) per unit of light generated (lumens). LEDs help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and lower electric bills
6 - 8 watts 60 watts 13-15 watts
Kilo-watts of Electricity used
(30 Incandescent Bulbs per year equivalent)
329 KWh/yr 3285 KWh/yr 767 KWh/yr.
Annual Operating Cost
(30 Incandescent Bulbs per year equivalent)
$32.85/year $328.59/year $76.65/year

Looking for Commercial LED Lights in Houston? Largest online best price Light Bulb supplier in Houston! GET NOW thousands of LED Bulbs, Halogen Light Bulbs, LED Lights.

What You Need to Know About LED Bulbs

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